Saturday, August 14, 2010

What a difference a filter makes...?

We have received our Lee filters some days ago. Just tested them very first time yesterday. Well.. What a difference a filter make...? - Great! This was just a speedy test as we noticed the sun going quickly down, but still, I was amazed. Wouldn't you?! I think this might be the secret weapon which I have missed in battle of great landscape photography ;)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 pictures for course

I should select five pictures for my photo course in autumn. Here are the nominates. I have selected pictures from my various types of photographing: portrait in environment, photo journalism, macro, landscape, nature and architecture. What would be the best five? Should I limit my variety..?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Task 4: Pattern

Ah, finally a pattern picture. I was inspired by shell and fern nature patterns and I happend to find similar human made patterns in my picture bank!

Task 11: Color or black and white

These are old pictures, but I wanted to put them here as they express so well the effect of changing color to BW.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Task 36: Different viewpoints to building

Ok - maybe someone (??) has noticed that I am not exactly following the task order. That's right, I admit I have taken some liberties to follow my inspiration a bit. So here is the (Many) Different viewpoints task. Theme: Parkvilla Espoo.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tasks 5-10: Color and hue

I was using different kinds of color effects: contrasting colors, bright colors, colorspot on bland environment and harmonic color scale. Theme: Summer day outside.

Task 17: Framing

I have been trying to take photos for Pattern task, but I have not been satisfied with the results. However, I got the aha-experience while hunting these photos! I noticed that I should make up a subject to shoot and use these tasks as visual aids. Thus I should not be photographing "patterns" - I should be shooting subjects and use pattern to create visual attention, interest in the photo.

This was easy in Framing task, partly because I have been using it for 25 years already ;) Here the framing is used for giving idea of environment and pulling eyes to subject.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Task 3 - Textures

I was thinking that this texture task would be a piece of cake. However I was lacking time and an idea to make something different from very ordinary. After many futile days, I finally thought that I just must take the picture and go forward.
So, here they are - an ordinary macro shot of twine, shot of contrasting textures and orange shots in backlight and sidelight.

You might already have noticed, that there aren't much landscapes (yet) in my pictures. That's correct. I have a mission, that I will go through these tasks even with my 2-year-old as an assistant and maybe never leaving home with camera. I don't say, that I WILL do all the task at home, but I do if I have to. That might sound lazy, but I think that I really have to use my imagination to finish the tasks that way...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Task 2 - three dimensions

Here is the second task. Traditional and fast solution, but at least task done (first ones may be coming). Task 2: three dimension, light coming from different angles to model (soft sidelight, strong sidelight, 45 degrees light, direct light). I transformed pictures into bw for highlighting the light/shadow effect.

Finally... A Start!

I have been planning and planning to start developing my photo skills with excellent tasks from John Hedgecoe's Compelete Guide to Photography. Thanks for Alain Briot's book 'Mastering Composition, Creativity & Personal Style' I am finally here!

I have been thinking all the possible things which prevent me from taking pictures: everything has already been done, nobody will ever be interested in my work etc. While reading Briot's book I awoke, that to develop myself as a photographer, most important thing is to forget all the discouraging thoughts and just take the camera and shoot.

So, here I am with my first task done and 70 to wait!

I want to dedicate this blog for my idols and supporters: David Noton, the ultimate inspiring landscape photographer, Alain Briot for earlier mentioned reasons, Jaakko Heikkilä my idol as wells as a great person as a human photographer. John Hedgecoe got his the name on the blog as he will be my couch (I was sorry to read, that he just passed away less than a month ago)! And most of all this is my thank to 'mon époux', supporter in good and bad days, Antti. I love you!

And so: First task was The form - pictures with silhouette, form with color, dynamics and patter.