I have been planning and planning to start developing my photo skills with excellent tasks from John Hedgecoe's Compelete Guide to Photography. Thanks for Alain Briot's book 'Mastering Composition, Creativity & Personal Style' I am finally here!
I have been thinking all the possible things which prevent me from taking pictures: everything has already been done, nobody will ever be interested in my work etc. While reading Briot's book I awoke, that to develop myself as a photographer, most important thing is to forget all the discouraging thoughts and just take the camera and shoot.
So, here I am with my first task done and 70 to wait!
I want to dedicate this blog for my idols and supporters: David Noton, the ultimate inspiring landscape photographer, Alain Briot for earlier mentioned reasons, Jaakko Heikkilä my idol as wells as a great person as a human photographer. John Hedgecoe got his the name on the blog as he will be my couch (I was sorry to read, that he just passed away less than a month ago)! And most of all this is my thank to 'mon époux', supporter in good and bad days, Antti. I love you!
And so: First task was The form - pictures with silhouette, form with color, dynamics and patter.