Friday, July 30, 2010

Tasks 5-10: Color and hue

I was using different kinds of color effects: contrasting colors, bright colors, colorspot on bland environment and harmonic color scale. Theme: Summer day outside.

Task 17: Framing

I have been trying to take photos for Pattern task, but I have not been satisfied with the results. However, I got the aha-experience while hunting these photos! I noticed that I should make up a subject to shoot and use these tasks as visual aids. Thus I should not be photographing "patterns" - I should be shooting subjects and use pattern to create visual attention, interest in the photo.

This was easy in Framing task, partly because I have been using it for 25 years already ;) Here the framing is used for giving idea of environment and pulling eyes to subject.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Task 3 - Textures

I was thinking that this texture task would be a piece of cake. However I was lacking time and an idea to make something different from very ordinary. After many futile days, I finally thought that I just must take the picture and go forward.
So, here they are - an ordinary macro shot of twine, shot of contrasting textures and orange shots in backlight and sidelight.

You might already have noticed, that there aren't much landscapes (yet) in my pictures. That's correct. I have a mission, that I will go through these tasks even with my 2-year-old as an assistant and maybe never leaving home with camera. I don't say, that I WILL do all the task at home, but I do if I have to. That might sound lazy, but I think that I really have to use my imagination to finish the tasks that way...